Hangzhou Registration and Financial & Tax Declaration of WFOE外资公司注册和财税
2022/2/12 1:08:17 点击:
依据我国《公司法》,外国人可以成为有限责任公司、股份有限公司的股东。但是股份有限公司的股东应当半数以上在中国国内有住所。今天带大家看一下外国人注册公司的条件和申办流程,注册公司后日常维护涉及的财税相关知识 :According to the Company Law of PRC, foreigners may become shareholdersof limited liability companies or joint stock limited companies. Now take alook at the foreigners registered company requirements and application process,as well as themaintenance of the company involved in finance and tax related knowledge:
一、办理时间 The time required一般情况下,20-30个工作日Generally, 20-30 working days
二、所需材料 Required document1.法定代表人、监事、股东的护照信息页2.详细业务范围3.公司名称(中文)3个及以上备选1. Passport information page of legal representative, supervisor andshareholder 2. Detailed business scope 3. Company names (in Chinese) 3 or more alternatives
三、注册流程 The registration process1.领取并填写《名称(变更)预先核准申请书》,确定公司名字、股东人员、公司高管人员等,准备相关材料。再递交《名称(变更)预先核准申请书》及相关材料,等待名称核准结果2.领取《企业名称预先核准通知书》,同时领取《外商投资企业设立登记申请书》等有关表格;到工商部门办理审批手续,领取批复及《外商投资企业批准证书》3.递交申请材料,材料齐全,符合法定形式的,等候领取《准予设立登记通知书》4. 领取《准予设立登记通知书》后,按照《准予设立登记通知书》的确定的日期到工商局交费并领取营业执照5.开立公司银行基本账户,到税务局登记1. Fill in the "Application for Name Pre-approval of ForeignInvested Enterprises", determine the company's name, shareholders, companyexecutives, etc., and prepare relevant materials. Submit the application,waiting for the name approval results.2. Get "The establishment registration application Form for foreigninvested Enterprises"; Go to the industry and Commerce Bureau to get theApproval Certificate of Foreign-invested Enterprises.3. Notice of Approval of Establishment Registration.4. Pay the fee and get the business license at the Industrial andCommercial Bureau on the date specified in the Notice of Approval ofEstablishment Registration.5. Open a basic bank account of the company and register with the taxbureau.
四、开立基本银行存款账户所需信息 Open a basic bank account1.营业执照正副本2.公章、法人章、财务印章3.公司章程(各地政策不同,有些城市不需要此项文件)4.法人和股东身份证明原件(外国人护照原件,以及有些地区需护照信息核实单)5.公司地址相关的租赁凭证(有些城市政策要求)1. Original and duplicate business license2. Official seal, legal person seal, financial seal3. Articles ofassociation(policies in some city do not require this document)4. Original identity certificates of legal persons and shareholders(original passports of foreigners, and passport information verification formin some areas)5. Lease certificate related to company address(policies in some citesrequired)
五、税务报到 Tax registration1.到税务局报到,填写公司的基本信息2.持扣税协议找税务专管员办理网上扣税,办理后核定缴纳何种税种,得到公司用户名和密码3.购买税务发票1. Register at the tax bureau and fill in the basic information of thecompany2. Apply for online tax deduction with the tax deduction agreement fromthe tax administrator, verify the tax type to be paid, and get the company username and password3. Purchase tax invoices
六、记账报税 Accounting and tax declaration公司成立后第一个月起,税务机关就会要求公司每月进行记账报税,没有收入支出也需要报税The first month after the establishment of the company, the taxauthorities will require the company monthly accounting tax returns, no incomeexpenditure also need to declare. 专业提供外资企业来华注册,代理记账,税务托管,场地租赁等服务,欢迎来中国创业的外国客户,可提供各类科技产业园区入驻,全程绿色通道,并享专项政策补贴,欢迎咨询。We are specialized in providing foreignenterprises registration in China, bookkeeping agency, tax custody, leasepremises and other services. Welcome to China to start business. We can provideall kinds of science and technology industrial park to settle in, greenchannel, special policy subsidies, welcome to consult.
一、办理时间 The time required一般情况下,20-30个工作日Generally, 20-30 working days
二、所需材料 Required document1.法定代表人、监事、股东的护照信息页2.详细业务范围3.公司名称(中文)3个及以上备选1. Passport information page of legal representative, supervisor andshareholder 2. Detailed business scope 3. Company names (in Chinese) 3 or more alternatives
三、注册流程 The registration process1.领取并填写《名称(变更)预先核准申请书》,确定公司名字、股东人员、公司高管人员等,准备相关材料。再递交《名称(变更)预先核准申请书》及相关材料,等待名称核准结果2.领取《企业名称预先核准通知书》,同时领取《外商投资企业设立登记申请书》等有关表格;到工商部门办理审批手续,领取批复及《外商投资企业批准证书》3.递交申请材料,材料齐全,符合法定形式的,等候领取《准予设立登记通知书》4. 领取《准予设立登记通知书》后,按照《准予设立登记通知书》的确定的日期到工商局交费并领取营业执照5.开立公司银行基本账户,到税务局登记1. Fill in the "Application for Name Pre-approval of ForeignInvested Enterprises", determine the company's name, shareholders, companyexecutives, etc., and prepare relevant materials. Submit the application,waiting for the name approval results.2. Get "The establishment registration application Form for foreigninvested Enterprises"; Go to the industry and Commerce Bureau to get theApproval Certificate of Foreign-invested Enterprises.3. Notice of Approval of Establishment Registration.4. Pay the fee and get the business license at the Industrial andCommercial Bureau on the date specified in the Notice of Approval ofEstablishment Registration.5. Open a basic bank account of the company and register with the taxbureau.
四、开立基本银行存款账户所需信息 Open a basic bank account1.营业执照正副本2.公章、法人章、财务印章3.公司章程(各地政策不同,有些城市不需要此项文件)4.法人和股东身份证明原件(外国人护照原件,以及有些地区需护照信息核实单)5.公司地址相关的租赁凭证(有些城市政策要求)1. Original and duplicate business license2. Official seal, legal person seal, financial seal3. Articles ofassociation(policies in some city do not require this document)4. Original identity certificates of legal persons and shareholders(original passports of foreigners, and passport information verification formin some areas)5. Lease certificate related to company address(policies in some citesrequired)
五、税务报到 Tax registration1.到税务局报到,填写公司的基本信息2.持扣税协议找税务专管员办理网上扣税,办理后核定缴纳何种税种,得到公司用户名和密码3.购买税务发票1. Register at the tax bureau and fill in the basic information of thecompany2. Apply for online tax deduction with the tax deduction agreement fromthe tax administrator, verify the tax type to be paid, and get the company username and password3. Purchase tax invoices
六、记账报税 Accounting and tax declaration公司成立后第一个月起,税务机关就会要求公司每月进行记账报税,没有收入支出也需要报税The first month after the establishment of the company, the taxauthorities will require the company monthly accounting tax returns, no incomeexpenditure also need to declare. 专业提供外资企业来华注册,代理记账,税务托管,场地租赁等服务,欢迎来中国创业的外国客户,可提供各类科技产业园区入驻,全程绿色通道,并享专项政策补贴,欢迎咨询。We are specialized in providing foreignenterprises registration in China, bookkeeping agency, tax custody, leasepremises and other services. Welcome to China to start business. We can provideall kinds of science and technology industrial park to settle in, greenchannel, special policy subsidies, welcome to consult.
- 上一篇:打造企业自己数字治税体系 2022/2/12
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